DERA is pleased to advise all residents that we have entered a number of Environmental Projects in the Dublin City Council Neighbourhoods Competition for this summer’s judging which takes place in June. The projects submitted reflect the hard work of our Environmental Team and Volunteers throughout our community and we are asking all residents, visitors and traders to help in enhancing our area in advance of the upcoming judging by Council Officials and indeed throughout the summer. Remember your DERA Environmental Team work all year round on your behalf. We have consistently won DCC awards over the past number of years and with your cooperation and participation we can do so again this year. We suggest all residents help initially by keeping their grass verges neat, tidy and litter free (always use gloves) and please discourage parking on the verges by residents and visitors. Thank you for your continued support: last year DERA received six awards for its Environmental Projects. Volunteers are always welcome to join the Environmental Team – please contact us for more information.