The Band of An Garda Síochána, under the leadership of Insp. Pat Kenny, provided a very entertaining evening of music and song in Donaghmede Shopping Centre on 16th July. The concert was enjoyed by residents and visitors alike.
The Festival Social Night was held in The Donaghmede Inn on 18th July, with an enjoyable evening had by all.
The Festival Weekend got off to a great start on Saturday 25th July with the Dog Show, organised by Tommy Foster, which attracted its largest entry to date.
Unfortunately the adverse weather conditions on Sunday meant that the planned Gala Parade and Fun Day had to be abandoned. Our thanks go to all who turned out in hope of a break in the rain, sponsors and participants alike. We’ll have to wait for another occasion to see Kerrigan Meats‘ super-BBQ in action!
Thankfully the Senior Citizens’ Day Out a few days later saw better weather, with almost 150 residents enjoying a tour of Dún Laoghaire and a meal in Bewley’s Hotel. Special thanks go to Angela Owens for organising a very enjoyable day, to the Dublin Bus drivers who volunteered their time, and to Donaghmede Shopping Centre manager Pat McCabe and News Centre and Card Shop proprietor Joe Sweeney for their generous sponsorship.
Thanks also to Dublin City Council North Central Area deputy manager Elaine Mulvenny for her support and interest in DERA events.